- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans
MSIT is a cell phone company in Korea with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
MSIT is a cell phone company in Korea.


Company : MSIT
Website :  MSIT

Phone : (+82) 10 4721 1493
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MSIT South Korea: Empowering Innovation in Science and ICT

Discover how South Korea's MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT) drives innovation and advances technology in the fields of science and information and communications technology (ICT). The MSIT is a ministry of the South Korean government charged with overseeing and promoting policies related to science, information, and communications technology (ICT).

About the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT)

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Technological Development: The MSIT is involved in the development and promotion of technological research and development in key areas, including ICT, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and information technology.
  • Telecommunications Policies: The ministry regulates and supervises the telecommunications sector in South Korea, including licensing telecommunications operators and promoting competition in the market.
  • Broadband and Digital Connectivity: The MSIT works on the expansion of broadband infrastructure and digital connectivity in South Korea, ensuring fast and reliable access to the Internet.
  • Cybersecurity: The ministry is responsible for cybersecurity and data protection, developing policies and regulations to ensure online safety.
  • Development of the ICT Industry: The MSIT promotes the growth of the ICT industry in South Korea and encourages technological innovation.

The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) is an important part of the South Korean government and plays a key role in the development and regulation of information and communications technology in the country. It contributes to the growth of the technology industry and the promotion of innovation in South Korea.

Phones in Korea: SK Telecom, KT Corporation, LG Uplus, SK Broadband, MSIT
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